Stop Raw Sewage Releases
Despite a national outcry, sewage companies have continued to spew raw sewage into the sea along sussex beaches and rivers.
At last there’s some good news for campaigners who want to stop Southern Water periodically discharging raw sewage into rivers, including the nearby Adur, and off our beaches. Liberal Democrat MPs forced through a measure that will stop the government’s new Infrastructure Bank investing in water companies unless they produce a costed and time-limited plan to end discharges into rivers. “The move will stop taxpayers' funds going to water companies that pay executives millions in bonuses, while their companies discharge raw sewage,” says Councillor Hazel Thorpe , a Liberal Democrat member of Worthing Borough Council.
The move can’t come soon enough for the River Adur. In 2021, Southern Water discharged sewage into the river near the Ropetackle for a total of five hours in four separate incidents. Last year there were more discharges, but this time into the sea close to bathing beaches at Southwick, Shoreham and Lancing. “Now the ball is in Southern Water’s court to produce a plan to end sewage discharges,” Hazel added.
This is just a small victory in the battle to keep our beaches and rivers clean and safe and there is much more work to be done. If you support our campaign please get in touch with Hazel!